PES 2021 Boots Boutique 2021 V1.1.0

Boots Boutique 2021 Boots & Gloves Assignments Manager For PES 2021


  • Supports only PC files
  • Add/Edit/Delete/Reorder boots definitions in Boots.bin (drag&drop reordering)
  • Add/Edit/Delete/Reorder gloves definitions in Glove.bin (drag&drop reordering)
  • Boots assignments in BootsList.bin - Add/Edit/Delete/CSV mass export-import
  • Gloves assignments in GloveList.bin - Add/Edit/Delete/CSV mass export-import
  • Definition of highcut-boots in BootsHighCut.bin - Add/Delete/CSV mass export-import
  • Assignment of so-called Hidden boots and gloves
  • hidden boots and gloves are not visible in-game in Edit mode, but can still be assigned to players
  • to avoid edit-mode glitches, app enforces "maximum of 100 boots in Boots.bin" and "maximum of 30 gloves in Glove.bin" limits - all boots and gloves that go past those limits MUST BE listed only in HiddenBoots.csv and HiddenGlove.csv files (post #3)
  • lists of hidden boots and gloves (CSV files) are edited externally (manually) - Boots Boutique only reads CSV lists with hidden boots and gloves Optional boots/gloves preview thumbnails
  • [v1.1] Switching between two view modes for all tabs - table/grid mode and icon/image mode
  • [v1.1] Optional players' minifaces
  • [v1.1] CSV reporting - all players without assigned boots in BootsList.bin and all goalkeepers without assigned gloves in GloveList.bin


Requirements : Net Framework 4.6


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  • Zlac

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