PES 2021 Graphic Pack Trophée des Champions AIO Version

PES 2021 Trophée des Champions Graphic Pack AIO Version by Milwalt

PES 2021 Trophée des Champions Graphic Pack AIO Version by Milwalt

New menu-server Trophée_des_champions.
New CornerFlags Trophée_des_champions.
New Stadium_Tunnel Trophée_des_champions.
New Entrance Trophée_des_champions.
Referee_kit-server Trophée_des_champions.
Scoreboard-server - Replay Trophée_des_champions.
New Winner Platform Trophée_des_champions.

Baca juga

How to Install:
1. Extract the files and copy the "content" "livecpk" and "modules" folders to your sider 7
2. Open sider.ini and add the following line to cpk root: 
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\Replay"

3. Add the folowing lines to sider.ini lua.module section:
lua.module = "Entrance.lua"
lua.module = "MenuServer.lua"
lua.module = "RefKitServer.lua"
lua.module = "ScoreboardServer.lua"
lua.module = "Stadium_Tunnel.lua"
lua.module = "TournamentCornerFlags.lua"

shawminator - CG Pes Explorer
shawminator - CG FMDL Suite
juce - Sider
MJTS-140914 - PES Archive Tools
Devil Cold52 - PES 2021 Ftex Converter 2.0

Hawke - RefKit Server - Scoreboard Server - MenuServer - Graphics
milos987 - milos987 Mods | FuNZoTiK Entrances converted by milos987 1.0
klerry - Corner Flags

# Thanks to the whole Evoweb community.

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