How To Use 2 Patches in PES 2021 PC – Guide by eulinho

 Tutorial by eulinho – How To Use 2 Patches in PES 2021 PC.

Hello there!

I always struggled using one patch cause of some offline/online problems, so i decided to use a patch for online (like all OF Patches, EvoWeb) and a offline patch (like smoke, PES 2021 / 2006-07 Season Downgrade or other patches with adboards/own db). So you could use different sider.inis, map.txts, tournament_anthem.luas and so on.

Use 2 Patches in PES 2021

But how to, if i don’t want to edit every folder, file which has to be renamend?
My solution is a renaming bat or cmd file!

Therefor create two save folders, sider.ini, map.txt’s etc. and rename the second into save_patchb or sider_patchb.ini or map_patchb.txt, etc.

Now create two batch file with a code like this:
IF exist C:\Users\Username\Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\numbers\save_pattchb\EDIT00000000 (
cd C:\Users\Username\Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\numbers
ren save save_patcha
ren save_patchb save
) ELSE (
echo “Couldn’t find file.”

Baca juga


Into the second batch file you put it vice versa:
IF exist C:\Users\Username\Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\numbers\save_pattcha\EDIT00000000 (
cd C:\Users\Username\Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\numbers
ren save save_patchb
ren save_patcha save
) ELSE (
echo “Couldn’t find file.”

You can combine these with other renames like:
IF exist M:\Pro Evo 2020\sider\sider_patchb.ini (
cd M:\Pro Evo 2020\sider

ren sider.ini sider_patcha.ini
ren sider_patchb.ini sider.ini
) ELSE (
echo “Couldn’t find file.”

IF exist M:\Pro Evo 2020\sider\content\kit-server\map_patchb.txt (
cd M:\Pro Evo 2020\sider\content\kit-server
ren map.txt map_patcha.txt
ren map_patchb.txt map.txt
) ELSE (
echo “Couldn’t find file.”

And how to create a bat or cmd file:
1. Create a new textfile
2. Write/copy code into it, modify it and save
3. Rename .txt to .bat or better .cmd
4. For renaming on C (save folder) you’ll need admin rights (perhaps, due to your safety rules in windows), so create a link onto the cmd file with admin rights.

So if you use patcha, just double tap on the cmd for patchb (remember the link) and vice versa instead of renaming everything manually.
Btw. this works with every folder (download, data, goalsong-server, stadium-server, map.txt’s etc. pp), just add lines to txt file and modify the path and filename.

So you can use 2 Patches :)

Hope this helps some people who want to use 2 patches.

Greetz, eulinho.

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