PES 2021 Jack Grealish Face | 2 Versions

PES 2021 Jack Grealish Face | 2 Versions

PES 2021 Jack Grealish Face by NVA Facemaker

Two free-to-download for the new Man City player Jack Grealish faces made for PES 2021 (PES 2020) by NVA Facemaker. The two version includes V1 with a hair band and V2 with out hair band.

J. Grealish is an 83-rated Left Wing Forward from England, who is 25 years old. In Pro Evolution Soccer 2021, Jack Grealish plays for Aston RB (Aston Villa) of the English League and the England National Team.

How to install (sider 7 version):
Copy the folder with ID (numbers) along the path:
... \ livecpk\Faces\Asset\model \character\face\real

If you install for the first time: In sider.ini, write:
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\faces" code-box

How to install (CPK version):
Use "CriPackedFileMaker" to create a "CPK" file of "Sider version" folder contents.
Copy "CPK" file to eFootball PES2021\download

Use the "DpFileList Generator" tool to add the created CPK file into your game

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