PES 2021 Rommel Fernandez Stadium

PES 2021 Rommel Fernandez Stadium

PES 2021 Rommel Fernandez Stadium, Home of Panama National Team

The Estadio Olmpico Rommel Fernández Gutiérrez, named after Panamanian player Rommel Fernández, is a multi-purpose stadium in Panama City. It's used in a number of sports, but it's most famous for football (soccer) matches.

Stadium ID: 009
Team ID: 1113
Autor: Realsoto
Converted to PES 2021 by drogond

How to Install:
Extract PES Stadium with WinRAR and copy to the Stadium-Server folder
... \content \stadium-server

Open map_teams.txt with a text editor and copy this line inside map_teams.txt 
1113, 009, Estadio Rommel Fernandez, Estadio Rommel Fernandez      # Panama code-box


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