PES 2021 Jahnstadion Regensburg

PES 2021 Jahnstadion Regensburg

PES 2021 Jahnstadion Regensburg by nicolaspes6

Jahnstadion Regensburg also knows as Continental Arena is a football stadium in Regensburg, Germany, and is the home ground of SSV Jahn Regensburg, a German football club that plays in the 2. Bundesliga.

Stadium ID: 009
Team ID: the team is not available in pes 2021 (it can be wherever you want)

NOTE: There is a small bug in the Stadium camera, but it's only for that camera, the other ones are fine!

How to Install:
Extract PES Stadium with WinRAR and copy to the Stadium-Server folder
... \content \stadium-server

Open map_teams.txt with a text editor and copy this line inside map_teams.txt
add team id here, 009, Continental Arena, Continental Arena # Regensburg  code-box

MEGA/download/button/#d90007 ShareMods/download/button/#49ab58

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