PES 2021 Türk Telekom Arena (Lockdown Edition) Galatasaray

PES 2021 Türk Telekom Arena (Lockdown Edition)

PES 2021 Türk Telekom Arena (Lockdown Edition) by PES Football TURKEY

PES 2021 Türk Telekom Arena Stadyumu + Kurulum | Galatasaray
#efootball2021​ #efootball2020​ #türktelekomarena

Stadium Creator: _TheSpecialOne_

Stadium ID: 009
Club ID: 130

How to Install:
Extract PES Stadium with WinRAR and copy to the Stadium  folder to
... \content \stadium-server

Open map_teams.txt with a text editor and copy this line inside map_teams.txt
130, 009, Turk Telekom Arena, Turk Telekom Arena # Galatasaray code-box


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