PES2020 - DLC4 Compatibility Package

DLC4 2020

a new game DLC4 was released earlier, this will make the game default and the patch cannot be active, here is a compatibility package to make the patch work normally.

* Not needed after update 20.1.1

please read very carefully the information below

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this package contains the following:

this is the package that contains dlc contents and compatibility files

this is the original slightly modified smokepatch file list.

this is the edit file of patch 20.1 compatible with DLC4

SP20 switcher.exe
this is updated switcher in case you use it.


1. copy and replace (07_smkdb_up1.cpk) and (DpFileList.bin) in the download folder of the game, should be something like: x\steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020\download

2. copy and replace (EDIT00000000) in the save folder of the game, should be something like:
Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2020\#yoursteamid#\save

this step is optional:
3. copy (SP20 switcher.exe) in the game folder to replace the old switcher.

Important Notes:

- we assume that the patch files and list file are as made by us, changing or editing the dpfilelist of the patch can cause problems.

- this is made for new patch version 20.1.0, if you want to use for older patch version 20.0.2 then first reinstall it and update 20.0.2 then only copy the cpk file (07_smkdb_up1.cpk) and ignore all the other files

* Not needed after update 20.1.1

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