SP21/20 - Classics Switcher (unlock legends)
in pro evolution soccer 2020/2021, classic players and teams are only available through online modes, the option to use classic players in the master league mode and be a legend mode is not available anymore, this is a bummer for many of the classic player's fans.
smokepatch has a solution to unlock the legends in master league
1. Classics in exhibition and edit modes (default)
this option is the default settings for smokepatch, classic players will appear in edit mode, and in the exhibition for one on one games, you cannot have classic players in the master league mode when this option is applied.
2. Classics in Master league and be a legend modes
this option will have all the classic teams set as African teams, this will make all the players available in ML and BAL modes, but you will not see the classic teams in edit mode nor in the exhibition team selection menu, one of the classic teams will appear in the (club world cup) semi-finals as African representative, no way to avoid that so good luck beating that team!
- download and extract the switcher anywhere
- run (SP2x Classics switcher.exe) and select the game directory
Official Download Links:
- Apply the classics in ML option, then start a new master league, and after you save the master league, you can close the game and switch to classic in the exhibition, this way you will still have classics in your master league, and also you will get the classic teams back in edit mode and exhibition.
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