PTE PATCH 2017 6.5.1 UNOFFICIAL (18.04.2018)



by tauvic99

- Database based on PTE 4.2 & PES 2018
- Update J1 League Season 2018
- Change classic team player with real id
- Add miniface & bgm PES 2018

Baca juga


* GDrive
* Zippyshare

* Size : 213 MB
* 24.04.2018 : fix bgm (background music)


- It is necessary have PTE Patch 6.5 AIO unofficial installed
- Do not use database or mods created specifically for PTE 6.0/6.1 because not all are compatible
- New ML and BAL modes are required after installing patch
- If you find some error, please report
- Don't reupload in others links. Respect our work
- Be smart using mods, use as necessary

Catatan tambahan : Sebelum melaporkan error alangkah baiknya cek dulu menggunakan patch tanpa mod, jika ketemu errornya di patch tanpa mod saya akan membantu, tapi jika error setelah pasang mod itu diluar kuasa saya, saya hanya membantu sebisa saya dan sebaiknya periksa dulu mod-mod yang dipasang.

Additional notes: Before reporting error it would be nice to check first using patch without mods, if found error in patch without mods I will help, but if error after install mod is beyond my ability, I only help as best as I and should first check mods installed.


1. Remove old Option File "EDIT00000000" from folder "\Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2017\save"
2. Start the "Setup" file.
3. Now, select your PES 2017 installation folder
4. Now you have selected your PES 2017 installation folder, click in "Next".
5. Wait some minutes.
6. The PTE Patch Update is installed.

DpFileList Order

Cara install PTE 6.5 + 6.5.1 Unofficial lengkap dengan gambar


KONAMI, PTE Team (mota10, stavrello7, NemanjaBRE, Sami Ze)
Devil Cold52, ejogc327, Lagun-2, smeagol75/starvin, zlac, Baris (tools)
Wikipedia, PES Logos (Logos),Cesc,, rkh257 (minifaces),
Ketchup Gamers (Brasileirao players fake names), Erzo77, Petriz_17,
Rockdrigo1991, Franco_Cle, DragoIV, SebaJolteon, Antonio Leon (Liga MX)
Niko Albiore (j1 league), Voltes5 , Buckshot (MLS),RJPR, Jenkey, Fruits,
-InMortal-, cRoNoSHaCk, Maritimo, 4N63L, ZAHIN, GgBlues, davfanpes,
Sarjono, supalids, sxsxsx, Dannythebest, Hawke, Wygno, maxi534, 
A.Mussoullini, Sameh Momen, Txak, majuh, DrDoooMuk, klashman69, 
Tasci, mckagan22, Mo ha, PantelG7, Bono Facemaker, AM, MarioMilan,
HD3011, rednik, Steet facemaker, Litos facemaker, EmreT, kairzhanov,
Tunizizou, vangelis, agiga, znovik, carrasco1live, Kolia, Buffon99,
danyy77, Tote_Alkor, El Shaarawy, juaniyo, Rednik, Wens, chosefs, 
Al AMiR, matservant, Neto Souza, Kanat, Zaxisjr, Andy Winawan, Shaft,
Eddie Facemakers, GONDURAS2012, Huseyn, Angeltorero, MT_Games, MRI,
GE-Evolution, Geo_Craig90, WER, benHUSSAM, MjTs-140914,
its999maggle, Omes69, purp mete, naufal adam
sorry if there is a credit that has not been listed, please let me know

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