Pes 6 Yassinux EGYMAR Patch New Season 17/18

2018 Pes 6 Yassinux EGYMAR Patch
Features of Patch:
Leagues and Championships:
La Liga complete with 17/18 rising clubs
Full English Premier League with 17/18
Full Serie A with rising clubs 17/18
Full Bundesliga with 17/18 rising clubs
Egyptian league full with the rising clubs 17/18
Moroccan league full with rising clubs 17/18
Champions League (big and famous teams)
African Champions League (best five teams)
- The last winter transfer of January 2018
- Teams 2017/2018 for all teams and teams 100%
- The faces and cuts of hair 17/18 for players with the addition of a large number of Arab faces
- Graphics with new menus and wallpapers
New ad boards 2017/2018 - HD stands
- Scorpord Group 17/18
Add new shoes and corsets
Update of players' ages and capacities
- A comment by Rauf Khalif Makhod of Pace 2017
And more more exclusive and terrible additions will be discovered in the patch
And you have some pictures

Download link on mediafire
Yassinux Egymar
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